The second title in Lumberjacks’ “Coffee Break” line is Monster Cafe from Romain Caterdjian and Théo Rivière, with this game debuting on February 14, 2020.

Humans can’t get served in Monster Cafe, so you’ll need to choose the right monsters to approach the counter in order to get the coffee you want.
To start play, choose the five monster families that you want to use in the game from the twelve available, then shuffle those cards. Each player receives a hand of ten monster cards (twelve with two players), then chooses three of these cards to place face down to form their “back line”. All of the other monsters form a face-up front line.
On a turn, a player chooses one of their face-up front line monsters, moves it to the center of the table, then triggers its power. As soon as each player has only three monsters in their front line, the round ends and players distribute coffee tokens. Whoever has the most monsters of a particular family, with back-line monsters counting double, earns coffee tokens equal to the number of monsters of this family in the center of the table.
After multiple rounds, whoever has collected the most coffee wins!.

© Monster Café is copyright Lumberjack Studios 2020